vineri, 9 iulie 2010

Can an Email Autoresponder Help Grow My Business?

By MJ Schrade

An email autoresponder is an integral part of your online business. While it is not an actual requirement to being online, it is something that keeps you, your readers, and potential customers connected. The biggest advantage is being able to send an email and earn money.

What is an email autoresponder?

This is an online service that sends emails to your subscribers. Your subscribers are people who requested more information from you. Typically you do need to offer them a coupon, a special digital book or something, to get these people to join your subscriber list.

But what if I have email address?

This is a service that allows you to send emails in bulk. While you may have an email address, it does not allow you to send to hundreds of people at once. It also can trigger spam alerts with massive quantities. An autoresponder company also can help you have multiple lists, so you can email all the email subscribers from one site or another or all your websites at once.

How does an email autoresponder work?

First you create a subscriber list, then a message to tell your readers the advantages of subscribing to your letter and telling them where their gift is. Typically you create a subscriber form, that requests information such as name and email address. The autoresponder company will give you some code to insert into your blog or website. Just copy and paste that on your website.

What about email subscribers?

When subscribers like the gift you offer, they will fill out the form. They will be send a confirmation email to ensure this is what they wanted. Upon confirmation, they will receive your email with their gift and be part of your list. You now have permission to send them emails as related to the reasons they subscribed. Every email is required to have an unsubscribe link, which the email autoresponder companies include.

How often can I email them?

If you email too often, you will lose subscribers. Email them too seldom and they will forget who you are. This becomes a delicate balance, although many experts tell you once a week is a good average.

What can I email them?

As part of your agreement with the email autoresponder company, you agreed to send email subscribers only things related to why they joined. While you may have an email or two that vary over the course of the year the focus needs to be on why they joined. You can email monthly newsletters, coupons, or special discounts. Many people like to email with tips and advice related to the topic. The big advantage of an email autoresponder is that you can email with each new product or when you find a new product you think they will like. This is how people send emails and make money.

Are you wondering how to get started online? Or need a little how to help?

You can find friendly, easy step by step guides here.

MJ Schrader has a goal of "making your inner rockstar shine in your online business and life" which is reflected in her amiable and instructional forms.

Make your inner rockstar shine and visit today

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